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General Dentistry

General dentistry covers all the basics. From dental maintenance to crowns and bridges.

Everyone should get a 6 month cleaning at a minimum. You cannot clean the natural buildup off your teeth by yourself even if you have dental instruments. Some require more frequent visits due to health issues and medications.


Once a year you should have an exam with the dentist to ensure that there are no issues and/or catch any before they become major problems. Just because it doesn't hurt now doesn't mean it won't hurt in the future. Usually at a bad time.


X-rays are a necessity for diagnosing hidden problems such as decay and bone loss. We cannot see visually in-between your teeth or under the gumline. Our office prefers to follow the ADA guidelines and we take x-rays every 18 months usually during your regular cleaning visit.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is any dental work done to improve your smile but not deemed necessary by decay or other dental issues. 


Veneers can greatly improve a smile by covering and correcting dental imperfections (such as color and discoloration due to genetic or medicinal issues). Broken and chipped or irrigular shaped teeth can be evened out with veneers.

Implant Restoration
Limited Orthodontics

Limited orthodontics are ortho procedures that will last 1-3 months in time. This includes retainers and clear aligners to correct minor to moderate shifting of teeth. Shifting occurs over time due to a variety of reasons the most common being a clenching or grinding habit. A retainer can easily correct minor shifting.

Sometime the unthinkable happens and you loose a tooth. This can happen in an accident or just by nature. If a tooth cracks below the gumline it cannot be saved and will need to be extracted. When that happens and the tooth is in your smile generally the best option is to have an implant placed. An implant is placed by an Oral Surgeon generally and is just the screw like portion that is surgically implanted into the jaw bone. Once that is done and healed (a process that takes about 4-6 months) you will need an implant crown placed on the implant itself as a final restoration. We do the crown portion, which takes an additional 2 weeks or so.

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